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photo c/o @santamariasolomon

Don't you just hate it when you wear lip balm, lip gloss or lipstick but it just doesn't feel right. Well, flaky lips aren't strangers to anyone but that doesn't mean that it can't be avoided.

Here are a couple of tips i have personally adopted for smooth, flake free lips and trust me, they work like a charm.


I have a particular recipe for my lip scrubs that i have found works for me. All you need is half a teaspoon of coconut oil and some sugar, mix it all up and apply it directly to your lips and then rub it over your lips as desired then wipe it off with a clean warm cloth. You can store the excess mixture in an empty lip balm bottle or any empty storage container. The benefits of using coconut oil is that it moisturizes your lips as you scrub it and once you wipe it off your lips still feel soft and moisturized .


photo c/o @jsarudzai

I can't stress this enough, drinking water keeps your skin hydrated and hydration prevents drying and flaking especially your lips. If you don't drink enough water you might have noticed that your lips tend to break apart kinda like when there has been no rain or moisture in a particular land and the soil just breaks apart. It is recommended that we drink up to 7 glasses of water and to be honest am not the best at this but i at least try to get about 5 glasses in per day. If drinking water is quite a task for you, you can try apps that remind you to drink water all through the day which you can find here.


If you find that the lip scrub doesn't really do it for you,you could try using your toothbrush to brush out dead skin.What i like to do is apply Vaseline on my lips then i brush my lips out (gently) with a wet toothbrush. My lips always feel soft after but a little bit over exfoliated so i would advice you be as gentle as possible.


photo c/o @ayannahandmade

And last but not least always moisturize your lips after with your lip product of choice and then apply your lipstick or gloss.

Have you ever tried any of the tips above and if not what are your go to methods to soft flake free lips?

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